Tuesday, November 13, 2007


So I was on the train this morning and overheard this old couple fighting in Spanish about being on the right train - they had to be in their late 70's or 80's. I leaned over and explained that they were on the train to Orange County and how they could catch the correct train to LA. It dawned on me as they hobbled down the stairs to connect to the proper train that it really must suck being old. Your skin turns to leather, your hair falls out and you cant see, hear, or understand anything around you. Some day I'm sure I will read this and think "what a little jerk" but I really don't care - many people in thier 50's and 60's look like crap. I want to look like Barb when I grow up - she is still rockin -


Unknown said...

It's never boring with you. :) Your outlook is sooo different.

Nicole Leonard said...

Some of those horrible things happen to people in their late 20s... ;)

Hays Family said...

I don't want to get old either...