Saturday, February 6, 2010


So I have been so busy that I have completely neglected my poor blog... But I have been cooking up a storm lately...

These little beauties: some thin broiled steak on crusty rolls with mayo, lettuce and tomato...
Some wonderful dried fruit to snack on at my desk (so much better than cookies & candy)

A fantastic guacamole (served with overly salty crunchy chips of course)

Then while thumbing through my Paula Deen cook book I found "Bottle Caps" which are sliced jalapenos fried in a delicious beer batter... I asked my dad what beer batter was composed of and he said "um beer and flower" and gave me a look like I really should have known that already... so I mixed them up into a flavorful batter...

I sliced the jalapenos into round slices and battered them just before I threw them into the hot oil...
I was amazed! The frying took all of the heat out of them, they were crunchy and smokey but not overly spicy... Dad even had a few... they were great dipped in ranch dressing...
As Carmen and I discussed what we would eat for lunch we agreed that fried jalapenos was not substantial enough so I used the same batter to fry up some chicken... OMGoodness it was amazing... simply amazing! So crunchy on the outside, so moist and tender on the inside... just wonderful!

1 comment:

Laurie S. said...


Your "bottle caps" look delicious and the steak sandwiches, truly are little beauties. You are certainly giving Paula Deen a run for her money...and Mr. Sanders a run for my heart.