Sunday, September 5, 2010

School Supplies...

Vista del Valle School is one of the more needy schools in the pretty affluent district the church sits in. Each year we do a school supply drive to collect for kids that don't have the means to purchase what they need.

The board of missions and social action spearheads the drive and I was chosen to co-chair the collection with Ann whom I am on the board with. I made up a nice display and decorated a box to place out in the narthex (lobby) of the church.

I made an announcment the first week, then the teenagers got together to make an annoucment the second week... by the end the box was so overflowing that we had to stack the additional supplies in the back room... It really did my heart good to see the congregation band together and help a good cause... Many kids will benefit from this collection... Praise God for moving in this way!

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