Friday, June 27, 2008

1000 reasons

So as you may remember one of the VPs at work made a casual gesture in an attempt to get me to quit smoking - $1000 after a year quit; I imagine he never thought I would take him up on it...

Yesterday, Thursday the 26th, completed one year since I quit smoking. I am about 15 pounds heavier but happy to not be enslaved to an addition as detrimental as smoking. Since I have not been drinking for the last 3 months I feel very addiction free right now (pretty liberating) Hmmm if only I could stick to eating better... I am sitting in the Tucson Airport with a rumbly stomach from the huevos rancheros I just ate at the airport cafe... I have a feeling I will be sorry for that meal later...

Anyway... 1 year down and the rest of my life to go as a non-smoker...


Nicole Leonard said...

WAHOO!!!! :)

Hays Family said...

Congratulations-we are so proud of you!